
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Screen-Free Week

Hello! I am checking in for a short post on what our family is participating in this week. We are SCREEN-FREE! 

I guess the question is: how I am blogging if I am screen-free? 

I decided to make a few exceptions to our week of screen free living. If there is work related time needed online for Mike, he is able to use the computer, email, etc.

For myself, I allow one hour each night after the girls are in bed, generally around 9 pm. I use the time to print anything needed for the next day, pay bills (I do all my banking online), and write and post here. During the day I jot down any necessary tasks I may need to do online and then use the time efficiently. 

Also, I allow the girls one hour of TV time. Mike and I choose the show. Last night we watched the reruns on Disney Channel of Boy Meets World. Tonight we actually skipped our allowed hour of TV because they came in late from playing outdoors. Bonus!

It has been an interesting two days so far. I love that everyone in the family has been on board with being screen-free. I can not wait to write about the experience. Stay tuned soon for our adventures and how we all fared during Screen-Free Week! 

If you are interested in finishing the rest of your week "screen-free", check out some resources at presented by Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood!  

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