
Friday, March 9, 2012

Almost One

This amazing girl is turning ONE in less than 10 days. Is that even possible? I can still hear the birds singing outside my living room window when I shuffled downstairs with labor contractions that early morning. Just me and Evangeline shifting inside my belly. Everyone else still asleep and cozy in their beds.  Our last moments together, quiet and anxiously waiting to meet each other.

She arrived at 12:22 in the afternoon that day. We all sang "Happy Birthday" to her and ate birthday cake. I lounged in bed watching Eva pass between many pairs of arms, welcoming her to the world.

She is our beautiful rose that bloomed just one day before Spring.

Just after her 10th month, she began to walk. I love watching the development of babies over the course of their first year. It is so amazing how determined they are to progress. Once she took her first steps, there was no stopping her! It became her preferred method of transport.

Just recently, we taught her baby sign language to express "more". Today she independently used the hand signal when she wanted more yogurt for lunch! I was impressed that she picked up on it so quickly. Her sisters were shrieking that "she DID it"!

She has also been saying words using more than one sound. Instead of saying, "Dada", she has said "Daddy". She also said "Baby" when referring to her newest cousin, Shane!

Mike has nicknamed her our "happiest baby". She smiled on her very first day! She must have felt the immense love pulsating in the bedroom when she arrived.

The love that continues to follow her each and every day. 
Our blossoming Evangeline Primrose.

Happy Weekend, Friends! 
Keep Smiling! 

1 comment:

I appreciate you stopping by! Thank you for commenting! xo ~Olivia