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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Making Dresses

I made the twins new dresses!! I used the Flower Girl Dress pattern in the book, Weekend Sewing by Heather Ross.  

I. Love. This. Pattern!!

I found this super cute Alexander Henry Farmdale fabric on sale at Joann's for under $5 a yard and completed both within days. 

It actually only took several hours to complete the dresses but when I work in tiny pockets of stolen time... it takes a bit longer. 

Weekend Sewing is a great book with loads of patterns that are simple enough even for me, who considers my sewing machine an archenemy at times.  

Once I traced the pattern and got the instructions down 
for the first one, the second dress was easy peasy! 

I got so excited making dresses, I even made one for the girls' cousin, Katie! 

Who doesn't love a $5 dress!?

Now there are three little girls with dresses that are just perfect for summertime twirling! 

...and HUGS!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

4 months

This sweetheart turned 4 months old a couple of days ago! 

She is starting to scoot around on her back with her feet to get where she wants to go. 

She will grab anything in sight to get it into her mouth. 

She loves to suck on her fingers and drool a lot. I think teething is in her near future! 

Her smile is so bright it could rival the sun! 

And she is loved... so loved!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Summer Routine

I have been enjoying these lazy summer mornings. No hasty breakfasts or last minute lunches to pack; no schoolbags or homework or matching pairs of shoes to find. 

Evangeline wakes me each day with her tiny kicks and wiggles to indicate she is ready to play. She silently watches her Mama’s closed eyes as the remnants of dreams disappear with the morning light.

The twins wake soon after, stumbling into my room and shaking sleep from their hair. They climb into bed with us and slip under hte sheets. They don’t talk much. They just hold Eva’s tiny hands, or mine, as I watch the morning news to find out what weather to expect for the day. Although it doesn’t matter much about the weather.

We spend many of our days outdoors, lounging on the deck. Reading, swinging, drawing, chasing butterflies and other random bugs, watching clouds drift by, inventing new games to play or dreaming of new things to do. 

The oldest girls take turns rocking Evangeline to sleep. The youngest will shout for their turn to “hold her a little bit, too!”.

We water our vegetable garden. A baby bunny has taken a liking to our sugar peas and ate every last vine to the ground. We did happen to eat one saved pea. We shared that one tiny pea pod among more people than you could imagine. It was delicious!

So far we have eaten one huge cucumber and one awesome tomato. The girls also picked two zucchini which I will make into bread as soon as I get to store to buy some more flour. There are many more veggies ripening. We just hope the bunny will be kind enough to save us some.

The girls generally get along with each other splendidly. There is our fair share of bickering, though. She did this or she said that! Nothing to get too upset about. Within moments, the fight is resolved and they are off playing together again. Just like that.

After dinner, our girls gather with the other neighborhood children forming a line for their turn on the Slip 'N Slide that Mike sets up on our lawn. A whirlwind of water and giggles that can turn any hot summer day into the “best day ever!”. 

As the sun sets, we get an occasional treat from the ice cream truck that plays its musical trip through our neighborhood at least twice a day. We sit outside with friends, talking, watching the girls ride their bikes or draw whole worlds on the sidewalk with chalk until the mosquitoes are too much to bear.

Sleep comes fast for the littlest ones, tired from their day and the sun on their skin. The oldest girls climb into their bunks. When I peek in their room, they have their bed lights on, reading or telling funny stories to each other. 

Sometimes I linger a bit to listen to them, join their sister circle for a while until I say good night and close the door behind me.

These summer days are being good to us. If only they could last forever!

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Fun facts about this photo:

  • This is a photo I took of my brother, Jason, holding sweet Evangeline on the Fourth of July.
  •  The setting is in the backyard of my parents house where we hold our annual Family Fun Fair complete with custom team shirts, games, prizes and loads of snacks!
  • Jason thought it was funny to put a Phillies hat on Eva for a photo op. (Go Phillies!)
  • I love doing color selection on photos! I would actually do it to every single one I take but that might get out of control in a short amount of time. 
  • Jason is 33 years old. He has a bachelor's degree in biology and a doctorate in geology and currently works as a professor in a prestigious college. 
  • He's also my oldest brother, who is not only intelligent but a handsome, funny, super kind and totally stand-up-has-your-back kinda guy!
  • He's also single! ;)

You may now resume all weekend activities . . . thank you and good night!

Saturday, July 2, 2011


We have been celebrating summer with lots of popsicles and outdoor meals, reading, playing, napping and exploring. We are looking forward to the holiday weekend to add even more reasons to celebrate!

Hope you all enjoy your family and friends this holiday! Get outside, enjoy the sunshine, and stay safe!



Dresses from Shabby AppleFlat Shipping Rates at LittleMissMatched