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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Spring Fever

It is a lovely day! It is downright warm outside considering some of the freezing temperatures we have been experiencing this Winter. We must enjoy these next few days with temps nearing 70. The forecast calls for chillier days next week. 

As much as I adore snow, lighting fires on cold nights, blanket forts to cuddle in, and late night mugs of hot chocolate, when warmer weather arrives it is a joy!

Today I feel a bit recovered from two days of a headache and a general sickness that left me lethargic. Perhaps it is the nice weather that rejuvenated me. I would like to think so. 

I opened a few windows to let in a breeze, have been cleaning up after the lost days I spent on the sofa, listening to songs from Mumford and Sons, the girls are playing quietly, and I am feeling much better!

When warmer weather arrives, it sparks a fire inside me! I want to write endless to-do lists, fling flannel sheets from the bed, clean and purge rooms of clutter, ready the garden, play outdoors, and dream of new bright cotton fabrics for crafty projects. 

Or maybe that is just my nesting instinct finally settling in. Our baby girl's due day is fast approaching with the beginning days of Spring and we are anxious to meet her!

Still I dream of picnics on pastel colored blankets, day trips to parks and museums, gathering on the front porch to talk and sip tea, or simply a family drive together... the windows down, the kids falling asleep in the back seat and a good song on the radio. 

We must be patient, however difficult that may be. Those days are coming soon, friends. Hope today is bright in your neck of the woods as well!

No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.  ~Hal Borland

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