Week #2 of my 365 Photo project. If you missed the photos from Week #1, you can find them here.

Isabella on the snowy slide. She must have gone up and down 350 times before she moved on. The life of a child is forever entertaining!
The twins playing with their dollhouse together. They had to use their Daddy's flashlight to light up the rooms. It is pretty dark in our house come nightfall. Heck, it's pretty dark in our house during daylight hours!
I have been super sleepy and daydream about crawling into bed and napping. We watched two movies this week after the girls were asleep (9:00 bedtime) and I could barely keep myself awake past the opening credits!
Madelyn wanted me to take photos of her and the twins together. It was nighttime, so I had to use a flash or they would have been blurry. This was their "mad faces". Other photos included "happy faces", "sad faces" and "pretend-your-sleeping faces".
The morning of the snowstorm that accumulated around 8 inches. The girls and Mike stayed home. They were outside playing bright and early! I got to stay inside and take a LUSH bath with Satsumo Santa!
My sweet Gracie. She was watching a bird flying overhead when I snapped this photo.
A peek inside the twins' bedroom. Wall hangings courtesy of my sister, Tessa.
Fourteen days into 365. I thought I would definitely miss a day or quit by now so I suppose that is a good sign. Maybe? See you next Friday for Week #3!
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