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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Huge Moth

Last Thursday, this beautiful moth came to settle in our backyard. At first the girls were scared, swatting at it until it flew and hid underneath the deck. We had never seen an insect as huge as this moth before!

After some research, I believed that it was an Emperor Moth. An Emperor Moth is native to Australia though, so I thought either this moth was a heck of a long way from home or perhaps there was a similar moth native to the United States.

A Polyphemus Moth is a North American member of a family Saturniidae, the giant silk moths. We did deduce that it was male because the antennae were large and like plumes. A female Polyphemus moth will emit pheromones in which a male will fly miles in order to reach her!

The eye spots shown are where this moth gets its name, from the Greek myth of the Cyclops Polyphemus. These spots act as a defensive mechanism to ward off predators. Perhaps that is why he would periodically open his wings when the girls were on the deck playing nearby. 

This Polyphemus moth has witnessed an Earth Day planting session, near misses with a soccer ball, a water fight, endless swinging, blanket picnics and way too much screaming and giggling. With the past couple of days of rain, I figured he would seek shelter and fly elsewhere. But still he remains.

He has not moved much, especially during the days when he would remain still in one location. I wondered what he was doing for food! I then learned that these giant adult moths do not eat, their mouths are vestigial which means their mouth parts have been reduced through evolution.

They also do not live very long, only about a week.

He certainly has had the admiration of our girls who run out to the deck every morning to spot his latest resting place. But, I sure hope he sniffs out a mate soon!

Until then, he is more than welcome to call our little neck of the woods home.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day! Today marks the 40th anniversary of this holiday! I think the best way to celebrate Earth Day is by getting outside to appreciate the wonderful world that surrounds us each and every day!

We are planning a big seed-planting session today to start some veggies and herbs indoors before we plant them outside in May.

How are you planning to celebrate Earth Day?

What to do this Earth Day 2010:
      • Pledge to improve our Earth with 5 actions that your family can participate in! Pick 5 at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency website ! Then stick around and check out the lush amount of information and resources the EPA has to offer.  

      • Read Dr. Seuss’s eco-tale of The Lorax on your iPod or iPad with this app.  Also available is a cute game, Lorax Garden, where you must regrow the world’s Truffala tree forests!

      Interested in eco-friendly crafting?

      • Check out this Spring Bird Feeder craft I posted last April using pizza dough, peanut butter and birdseed! The birds (and squirrels) loved it! 

        Other Suggestions: 
          (Then go outside and enjoy this beautiful Earth... and don't forget your refillable stainless steel water bottle!)

          *In other news, today Amy from Progressive Pioneer honored us by posting the story of our twin homebirth!  

          Isabella and Gracie are turning TWO this May Day! Here they are yesterday posing in their new ladybug skirts I made for their upcoming special occasion!

          Friday, April 16, 2010

          Bubble Blowing Babies

          April has been declared as Children and Nature Awareness month by the Children and Nature Network. We have been turning off life's distractions and getting outdoors as often as possible! 

          Bike riding, foot races, picnics, swinging, reading books in tree houses, gardening, kite flying, and a certain favorite...bubble blowing!

          For some more inspiration on getting outdoors:
          • Read about First Lady Michelle Obama's movement to raise a healthier generation of children at Let's Move!
          • National Wildlife Federation has a national campaign to get children and families to Be Out There!
          • Gather some flowers, leaves and seeds while outdoors and then make some Plantable Paper! 
          • Gather up some pretty yellow dandelions and then use these free printables to leave a surprise on your neighbors steps!

          Wednesday, April 14, 2010

          Cherry Blossoms Day 2


          After our lunch on the grasses of the National Mall, we headed towards the Washington Monument. 


          The crowds were much worse than our trip last year. Once we reached the Tidal Basin, heading towards the Jefferson Memorial, our stride crept to a slow crawl. 

          With the addition of TWIN stroller, we were pretty much cursed with the evil eye by many of the festival-goers.

          We did make it to the Jefferson Memorial, however, where we rested for a very long time on its steps watching helicopters fly by.

          Then, with the promise of festival food, live music and late night fireworks, we led our crew towards the Southwest Waterfront.

          Along the way, petals from these lovelies fell on us and the girls posed for a photo.

          We found  our destination and I threw down our picnic blanket next to a big comfy tree to wait for the fireworks...for about 3 hours.

          Don't be fooled by that look on my face. We had a great day! Really!

          But after three bathroom breaks in as many hours,

          one "OMG! Where is Sophia?" moment,

          an unfortunate beheading of a little stone carved animal of Lana's carefully chosen from the gift shop,

          7 very hungry tummies,

          and one little girl with weary feet that needed shoulder rides? 


          But then this amusing photo opportunity happened...

          ...and our two increasingly cranky babies hushed into dreamland...

          ...and then evening fell over the waterfront and the fireworks finally arrived!! Hooray!

          What a wonderful trip!
          If you missed the first part of our trip to Washington D.C., read about it HERE.

          Tuesday, April 13, 2010

          Cherry Blossom Festival in D.C.

          We spent Friday and Saturday of Easter Weekend enjoying the cherry blossom festivities in Washington D.C. We stayed in a beautiful room in the Hawthorn Suites by Wyndham in Alexandria, VA. This hotel was family-friendly with a fantastic complimentary breakfast the next morning! 

          After settling into our room and having dinner, we decided to head out into the city of D.C. to view the sites at night! 

          The next morning, our first stop after amazingly finding free parking near the museums, was the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.

          The girls (Sophia especially) loved the Insect Zoo and Butterfly Exhibit. Sophia has been all about bugs lately and her selection from the gift shop was a Monarch Butterfly metamorphosis flip book. 

          In the exhibit there was the chance to hold and pet a Madagascar hissing cockroach. Since Sophia had recently told me roaches were her best friends (who knew!), I told her we could go together and hold the roach. 

          She hastily declined...thankfully. 

          After the twins (and their Mama) had just about enough of the crowded museum, we inched our way outside to the sunny skies to eat lunch in front of the Smithsonian Castle. 

          Where did our adventures lead from there? 

          To be continued tomorrow...

          Friday, April 9, 2010

          Belated Easter Photos

          Here are a few photos from our Easter Egg hunt that my husbands' Grandmother Betty hosts every year! We had a great time and it was a sunny, cheerful day!

          Don't worry! I have not forgotten to post about our adventures in Washington D.C. I am still sorting through the pictures. Today was the first day I was able to sit at the computer for more than a few minutes.

          Our air conditioner decided it does not like that hot weather has sprung up a bit sooner than expected. It was not working properly and after a $436 bill which we thought would fix its woes, the unit has now been diagnosed as having a leak...somewhere.

          Which means another appointment and another hefty bill to pay.

          However, predicted rain is bringing cooler temperatures and I'll always have these gorgeous faces to keep me smiling!

          Friday, April 2, 2010

          Cherry Blossoms in D.C.

          We have headed on another adventure to Washington D.C. We are settled in our room and while the others went on a search for dinner, I thought I would post some photos from yesterday. (Hooray for free wi-fi!)

          I had much packing, tidying up, damage control to do yesterday so I started the day setting up our mini Ikea tent outside on the deck. 

          Let me tell you that in the 9 years that we have had this tent, I never ONCE had to assemble it myself. I had absolutely no clue what I was doing and after 2 phone calls to Mike and about 25 frustrating minutes later, it was complete.
          They played in it for about 10 minutes.

          At least that is what it felt like after all my effort. 

          That night, we dyed our eggs for Easter. I love how Isabella and Grace watch each other when dipping their eggs!
          Later on, after all sets of eyes were blissfully closed for the night, I decorated my giant sugar cookie shaped eggs with royal icing and pastel candies! 
          My sister, Hannah had sent an email to me that night after I thanked her for her icing recipe and sent a photo of cookies she had made.

          I almost fainted at their beautiful swirls and decorations with pastel sugar pearls and carefully hand printed "Happy Easter" across their cute little perfectly egg shaped selves. Mine looked pretty sad in comparison.

          The next morning I found out that Hannah had not really made those gorgeous cookies. She had taken the photo from a blog and sent it to me as an April Fool's joke. Haha.

          Good thing I was so exhausted because those cookies of mine almost met the garbage disposal the night before. There could have potentially been some very unhappy girls on Easter morning.

          Thanks a lot April Fools' Day.

          Now we are off to enjoy the rest of tonight and get sleep for tomorrow we are venturing out to see a whole forest of cherry blossoms! Maybe even a little trip to the Smithsonian if time is on our side! 

          See you next week with photos from our adventures this weekend! 
          Wish you were here...