A couple happy little packages arrived on my doorstep this morning! I was one of 10 randomly selected winners for a Healthy Home package hosted by Mom it Forward.
Fantastic! I am completely set for all the holiday cleaning I'll be doing these next couple of weeks!
I know just where to begin too! One of the twins pulled my half-full coffee cup onto the living room floor today. While I can certainly live with the delicious aroma of peppermint mocha coffee, a barefoot walk through the sticky aftermath is not so cool.
Links from Seventh Generation's website:
- Guide to creating a Healthy Home
- Become a fan of Seventh Generation on Facebook
- Twitter with Seventh Generation for great "green" tips
- Printable coupons for Seventh Generation products
- Join the Million Baby Crawl and demand change by saying “no” to toxic chemicals found in household products.
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