Over at Echoes, four inspiring mixed-media artists have created a new project for the summer months! It is a collaborative journal with the theme, “Summer is...”
Our girls’ last day of school is coming soon and when my alarm clock hits hits that perpetual snooze until Autumn, I hope to participate by adding my own pictures to their Flickr Pool.
Check out the guidelines for submission to see if you may be interested in joining the group!
You can find the ladies that created this project, as well as The Noticing Project, at the links below:
Another group that may spark your interest is the Summer Is: Flickr group started by Uncommon Grace. It is a public group so you may browse or contribute your own essence of summertime.
Here is the blog post that inspired her beginning this wonderful group.
Summer is beckoning! Take photographs, begin an art journal, paint, draw, write, and above all, e n j o y!
Oh, and as promised, here is the newest group of downloadable quote kindness cards I created!
Thanks for being so generous in sharing the quote kindness cards. Luv them all! Will use them to spread some warmth to others. Hope to see more coming. Thanks again and have a wonderful summer !!