
Sunday, April 5, 2009

Cherry Blossoms in D.C.

We packed our lunches, a blanket, the twins' stroller & diaper bag, and 5 little girls full of energy in our car and headed towards Washington D.C. on Saturday morning.

It was a sunny, breezy day and this time of year is peak season for the Cherry Blossom trees! A perfect reason for a day trip!

Here are some photos I took:

The WWII Memorial

Madelyn and Lana reflecting at the Reflecting Pool

A budding photographer

Sophia with the best seat in the House!

The Lincoln Memorial

The twins copying each other.

Our view from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

My sister Hannah's orange Converse I wish I owned if only they didn't hurt my feet so much.

Jefferson Memorial towards sunset

Madelyn and Lana with the view of a very long walk back to the Washington Monument (where our car is parked).

A memorable trip worth the very long car ride it took to get there and the tired, achy bodies we brought back home.

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