
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Makit Plates

The girls got in the mood for a big drawing session so we decided to bust out the Makit plates they had received for Christmas from Grandma. The girls each got a certain number of papers to fill with their creations and then they picked their "best" one. I put their selections in an included envelope, each with a check for $3.00 for the return shipping, and in 4-5 weeks we will have their art forever etched in a plate! Ta-da!

We had many bumps in the road during this night of marker fun. There was a grumpy Madelyn after a threat of "SHE'S COPYING!" directed towards Lana, Sophia created her 5 pictures in under 5 minutes and then decided to wreak havoc on her sisters, Isabella interrupted with a stinky diaper and her twin Gracie followed, borderline hysterical, in need a nursing session. 

 But.. we did it, folks. We did it. Another crafting experience survived. :)
 The Makit company has oodles of products! Check them out! Besides the plates they have mugs, keychains, coasters and more! They also have products that require no processing and can just be "snapped" into place. There are so many ideas for preserving the endless art kids create on an everyday basis!

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